Monday 23 August 2010

How does a garden grow.

Plenty  of Love, sunshine and water, looking at the late runner beans

I may have enough for a meal this weekend.

Plums look ready for there jam pots, yummy.

We have been eating these with cinnamon sprinkled on them and either a splash of lemon or orange juice, gently warmed in the oven then served with vanilla ice cream, with a shortbread biscuit on the side for a yummy summer pudding.

Lovely big pink heads of flowers in the borders too.

Oh and the buzzy bees love the borage .

Also a friend brought round some of his greenhousr tomatoes ....

My tomatoes .......

Something has been munching my chilli plants for supper......

So I went to the shop and bought chillies,

Life is just a bowl of ..........

While I was there I included a treat for me , these lovlies for just five pound

Oranges and Lemons colour fest ...

More from me in a while Jennifer x

Tuesday 17 August 2010

My first blog post

After following lots of lovely blogs I have decided to create my own with help from my lovely son ( I will put the links to these on my site so you can enjoy them too). So this is my first ever blog! I hope to post pictures, tips and thoughts on my favourite things (gosh that sounds a bit Julie Andrews!, but I love the song anyway.).

So onto my first post, Lemon and cumin biscuits, which was a recipe from Sarah Ravens Garden Cookbook which went down spiffingly with strawberries and a cup of tea. I would highly recommend them, so easy and simple to make. I had made quite a few an so dropped them by at my local hairdressers for the girls with a plant pot of strawberries. Their smiles said it all.